Wednesday, October 27, 2010

My Spiral - Divination

When I found The Druidry Handbook and tore through it, I finished with the Appendix that outlined the First Year candidacy program. The reading starts with the Sun, Moon and Earth Spirals. While I was daunted with all the reading required, and the personal time I would have to choose to invest, I continued reading.

Then came the Spirals.

As a candidate you are required to choose one of the seven spirals to practice. You can choose Poetry, Music, Divination, Healing, Magic, Geometry, or Earth Mysteries. Some jumped out to me as definite nos. I have no desire to play with math. I stink at math. So Geometry was out. Graphic design and architecture do not appeal to me either. So while it might be interesting to read, Earth Mysteries was not something I wanted to learn about.

That left Poetry, Music, Divination, Healing, and Magic. Decisions, Decisions. It helped knowing that my Second Year I would be required to learn two additional spirals. So, while I might not learn it this year I do have the chance to learn it in my Second Year.

I finally chose Divination. Why... well, Tarot has always intrigued me. I always enjoyed getting readings completed on me. Wouldn't it be fun to learn how to do it myself? And Oghum... learning to read "the trees". While they are a type of rune (in my mind) they are fascinating to read about. And geomancy. I want to learn that! How can I possibly choose one to focus on!!!

Let me rewind time and say that the day I started to look into Druidry was the day I went to a metaphysical store and saw the Druid Tarot deck. It called to me so much that it was hard to walk out and not purchase it. But what did I need with a tarot deck? I didn't know how to read them. I didn't have a "relationship" with tarot. So I did walk away, started looking into Druidry, and fell across the Handbook. The rest is history as they say.

So... I chose Tarot to put my focus into. I will learn the others, just AFTER I am comfortable with the Tarot. I bought the Druid Tarot that called to me that day and have begun using it.

My requirements for the year are to make a journal outlining the meaning of every card in my deck. And I also have to perform nine months of divination - which amounts to 270 daily readings.
I have to complete an additional nine other readings throughout my year. I will complete major readings on holidays, as well as complete readings on family and friends.
I have to read three books on divination and select 30 themes for meditation from my readings.
And I have to finish with three pages of what divination means to me and role I feel it plays in the Druid path.

I have begun my readings. I draw one card each morning for my day. On Monday's I complete a three card draw; me, my influence, and the result.
Sometimes I have very clear "OMG! I can't believe that happened just like the cards said they might!" and other times it is so subtle that I am not sure why I received a card. But I keep pulling them daily and hoping I figure out why I received it.

The most surprising to date for me, was the time I drew the 10 of Cups twice in a row.
Let me explain that I shuffle the cards for minutes prior to my drawing. AND I cut the deck into three and the middle is the top section when they come back together.
So drawing the same card, two days in a row... well I got a bit freaked out.
10 of Cups - Happiness/Love/Fulfillment/Supporting a family member.
The second day I drew a second card, as support.
Star - Being tranquil amidst trouble.
I had no idea why I was getting this card. Until a few days later when I looked back and the next series of events came back to me....
The second day of the reading my young daughter was induced because of potential complications of the baby. My perfect grandson was born the next day.
The cards were very true for me. They were exactly what I needed to find within myself to help her.

It cemented the fact that this deck works for me, and that I chose the right spiral for this year.

Next year I am thinking Poetry.... and either Healing or Magic.

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