Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Sun Path

To ease my mind of the thoughts flowing through it, I will try to discuss the Sun Path. This path is laid out to allow the Druid a way to celebrate the stations of the sun throughout the year.

The holy days are:
Samhuinn - November 1 - Celtic New Year
Alban Arthuan - December 21 - Winter Solstice
Imbolc - February 2 - Shows the first signs of returning life
Alban Eiler - March 21 - Spring Equinox
Belteinne - May 1 - Celebrates the renewal of the Earth
Alban Heruin - June 21 - Summer Solstice
Lughnasadh - August 1 - First festival for Autumn
Alban Elued - September 23 - Fall Equinox

I need to find a book that explains the off festivals more. I understand the Equinoxes, and to an extent I understand why the others are celebrated... but a more in depth understanding would be nice.

I am suppose to complete a holiday ritual on each of these days. As you can see... Samhuinn is approaching (Monday to be exact). I have decided to complete my initiation ritual that day also. Instead of the holiday ritual I will do the initiation ritual. I don't think I can handle two rituals in one day.

I only have two more tasks to complete to ensure I have everything needed. And clean out an area in the basement. Not too much left to complete.

I thought Samhuinn would be an appropriate day. It is the first day of the new Celtic year. It is a day of rebirth. I can be reborn into my new spiritual life.

Excited and Nervous would be the words I would use to describe the upcoming ritual.
What if I mess something up? I hope it is forgiven as a rookie mistake! LOL!

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry about messing something up. It doesn't have to be exactly "by the book." I think the main thing is that it be spiritually resonant for you personally.

    There was a comment on the e-mail list the other week about how if you get a bunch of people in a room doing the Sphere of Protection, no two people will be doing it exactly the same.
